REL 134 University of Phoenix Religious Analysis Essay




Assignment Content

  1. This week, you learned about alternate religions and the role of women in religion. For this assignment you have the opportunity to compare and contrast alternative religions with the traditional Western religions you learned about throughout the course. Select 1 alternative religion (e.g., Church of Scientology, Transcendental Meditation, Wicca, Druidry) and 1 traditional Western religion (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam) to research and compare in this assignment. The assignment is broken up into two parts. Part 1: Similarities and Differences
    List at least 2 similarities and 2 differences between the religions you selected. Some categories to consider include holy days, symbols, rituals, core beliefs, ethics, and the role of women. Part 2: Analysis
    Write a 350- to 525-word analysis of the similarities and differences between the 2 religions you selected. Discuss how the faiths are practiced and how they are perceived by those outside of the faiths in terms of the similarities and differences you noted.
    Consider the role of women in these religions. What are some examples of their role in these religious traditions? Has their role changed over time?


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