Research Methods- 250 word min. response to discussion question 1 and 2- Week 1



I need help with an assignment requiring 250 word minimum to question 1 and question 2. The material pertaining to these questions is attached. If any references are used please cite them in APA format. All work is put through once I receive the completed assignment. This means that no more then 12% can be directly cited. I just wanted to let you know in advance!


Question 1

250 or more words- Read the articles by Cameron and Pole and discuss a situation where AND how a mixed methods approach could be performed to help in a decision-making process. Include at least two in text citations and reference from a scholarly source in your initial post. References must be in APA format.


Question 2

250 or more words- Read the Sternberg and Sternberg article and utilize the APA textbook readings to discuss the importance of adhering to a convention such as APA format when writing and researching. What do you like about it? What would you change about APA if you could? Why? Include at least two in text citations and two references from a scholarly source in your initial post.


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