Researched argument Essay 4-6 pages

Cited list

5 sources, two of these sources must be from the Fairmont state university library. You will go to FSU library Database, then Academic Search Complete, CQ researcher ,you must make a claim argument about a comment , important issue facing society EX( I argue that ——-)

            And I need (Research proposal 1-2 pages) Includes the answer to these questions.

1 – What topic has you chosen, and why? What is your personal started in the issue?

2 – What questions do you have about your Topic? What do you already know about your topic? What would you like to learning?

3 – Introduce tow database sources: Author and title database.

4 – Why showed people care about your topic? Why does this issue need an attention?

5 – What will you argue in your paper?

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