response paper about a film

View the following clip from the film, Rockyand complete the following 4 part analysis:

1.Mise-en-scene analysis—How does the clip use compositional elements of film to create meaning? What elements are used? What effects are created in a scene, and what is their purpose? How does the film attempt to achieve its goal by the way it looks, and does it succeed?

2.Narrative structure analysis—Examine the clip’s narrative structure—plot, character, and theme. How does the plot unfold? What are the motivations of the characters? What is the theme of the film, and how is that theme constructed?

3.Semiotic analysis—What objects or images are repeated in multiple instances? In what context do they appear? Are there any symbols or metaphors that tell you about the characters’ personalities or themes of the film? What might you be able to infer about characters from small hints? How are these hints (signs) used to construct characters? How do they relate to the relative role of those characters, or the relationships between multiple characters? Remember: Something as simple as someone’s appearance can reveal information about them.

4.Contextual analysis—Think about the culture, time, and place of the film’s creation. What might the film say about the culture or time period that created it? How does the meaning of the film change when seen outside of its culture? What characteristics distinguishes the film as being of its particular culture?

5.Create a shot scene analysis chart of at least 1 minute from the clip.

Paper should be well supported with examples from the film

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