Responses 5-2

I have to respond to the following statements of my classmates. Please provide 75-100 words to each statement with a reference to each if applicable.


Re: Six Sigma

posted by JANELL ALSTON at Mar 26, 2015, 2:52 PM

Last updated Mar 26, 2015, 2:52 PM 


Six Sigma is a systematic and statistically-based process to reveal defects in performance, driven generally by customer specification.  Six Sigma methodologies aim to reduce variation and non-value added activity in clinical and business process which give rise to long cycle time, high cost and poor outcomes.  a process that operates at true Six Sigma levels is producing acceptable quality levels over 99.99% of the time.  In spite of its many benefits, the Six Sigma implementation process can be fraught with difficulties.  These are not inherent to the program itself, but are instead indicative the human refusal to accept change and a battery of common management issues. Overcoming these roadblocks is an essential part of optimizing any company and helping it to reach its highest levels of success.  The benefits of the Six Sigma System are exponentially worth the effort.  One misconception regarding Six Sigma is that it is only useful for improving an existing process.  



Re: Six Sigma

posted by CLEO WILLIAMS at Mar 25, 2015, 5:05 PM

Last updated Mar 25, 2015, 5:05 PM 


According to Woodard (as cited in Transition Consultants, 2014, p.) “Six Sigma is a rigorous set of processes and techniques to measure, improve, and control the quality of care and service based on what is important to the customer.”  Motorola introduced the tool as a new business technique to promote quality control and to implement projects.  The instrument focuses on transitioning operations to defect-free levels by attempting to remove variation in the system to meet or exceed consumers’ expectations.  Six Sigma supports the implementation process by aiding management with effectively communication the plan to staff to support change.  Health executives must communicate to employees the vision of the plan or where management wants to take the organization.  Such efforts helps to bring buy in of staff or commitment of the plan among the culture.   Management can also encourage such actions via measured goals and rewards for subordinates’ contributions with the implementation process.  Six Sigma also aid management with developing a complete strategic plan.  An approach that involves objectives and actionable steps towards accomplishing such objectives, therefore, linking the strategic objective with the strategic action.  Such efforts help to define a clear path to success and provide management with an opportunity if such actions are sufficient to meet the objectives set.  



Re: Implementing change

posted by CLEO WILLIAMS at Mar 25, 2015, 5:06 PM

Last updated Mar 25, 2015, 5:06 PM 


Successful implementation of a strategic plan requires teamwork.  Every employee at every level of the organization must participate in the implementation process.  Therefore, I think the hardest challenge to overcome is gaining the support of staff.  For this reason, effectively communicating to staff the details regarding the plan as well as how the plan will improve operations is critical to gain such support.  Management must have a full understanding of work processes to explain to employees the need for such changes and how decisions were made to resolve such needs.  Communicating the goals of the strategic plan to staff also aids management with gaining the support of subordinates.  Such actions demonstrate the idea that every worker is valuable to the organization and is a part of the organizational fabric.   Employees who feel valued are likely to demonstrate enthusiasm to change and cooperate in the implementation process.  Organizations can also create a supportive culture by providing training to employees to build confidence with the new strategic process.  Such training will also provide management with time to modify any changes in the plan or discover areas that were missed that required attention for the success of the plan. Training will also aid in gathering the feedback of staff and provide a chance for management to obtain the ideas of subordinates to improve operations. 



Re: Implementing change

posted by TENISHA RIVERS-HILL at Mar 26, 2015, 6:41 AM

Last updated Mar 26, 2015, 6:41 AM 


One of the hardest challenges or barriers to overcome when implementing a change in strategy is employee’s not buying into the change and becoming resistant (  Many people feel comfortable in his or her situation and may wish to stay in his or her comfort zone.  When organization’s anticipate change, there is much fear of the unknown.  Employees may fear the change may ultimately lead to him or her not being able to meet new standards and expectations, or not being able to grasp new processes.  The employee may believe if he or she is not successful, that they may be terminated or reprimanded.  Employees may resist new technologies because he or she is not familiar with it and prefers things to remain the same.  



If employees do not internalize that change is necessary, the implementation process is doomed from the start.  If there is employee resistance and it is not addressed with interventions, the implementation will not be successful.  If the implementation process is completed with much employee resistance, the strategic plan will be in vain because employees will eventually become non compliant and revert back to old non productive ways.  Effect healthcare administrators are sensitive and aware of employees fears, concerns, and needs and address these accordingly.

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