see questions below


Environmental assessment II




Read the case study on the role of courts in environmental law. Based on your readings, answer the following questions:

1. Which Nordic country’s court system, if any, most closely resembles that of the U.S., and why? What types of cases does this system review?

2. Discuss the two different means of access to courts discussed in the study, and offer your opinion as to whether either means would present an obstacle to court access.

Anker, H. and Nilsson, A. (2009). The role of courts in environmental law – Nordic perspectives. Retrieved from innovation/Winter 2010/jciAnker Nilsson.pdf




Question 1




Executive and independent agencies perform other duties in addition to rule making. Which of the following is MOST TRUE in these other functions?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”1″,name:”mc ans _93034225_1″}));




Conducting research, issuing permits, and managing property



Advising, collecting fees, and delegating authority



Providing information, conducting tours, and interacting with similar state agencies



Interacting with similar state agencies, funding grants, and adjudicating environmental disputes


1 points  


Question 2




Which of the following statements about the CEQ is TRUE?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”2″,name:”mc ans _93034226_1″}));




CEQ helps federal agencies to meet their EIS requirements under NEPA.



CEQ advises the president on domestic and international economic issues.



CEQ legislates between federal, state, and local governments on environmental issues.



The role of the three person CEQ is primarily regulatory.


1 points  


Question 3




Which of the following is NOT an element of an EIS document?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”3″,name:”mc ans _93034227_1″}));




Any irreversible commitments of resources



Any avoidable adverse environmental impact should the proposal be implemented



A statement of the environmental impacts of the proposed action



Alternatives to the proposal (including taking no action)


1 points  


Question 4




Which of the following statements about the use of EIS through NEPA is MOST TRUE?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”4″,name:”mc ans _93034228_1″}));




It established threshold consequences to agencies environmental projects.



It reduced costs and time constraints on the agencies personnel.



It has forced greater governmental awareness and more careful planning in many agencies.



It established Pollution Prevention Programs as the main source in waste reduction technology.


1 points  


Question 5




In 2008, President Obama appointed __________as the administrator of the EPA.


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”5″,name:”mc ans _93034229_1″}));




Barbara Boxer



Lisa P. Jackson



Christine Todd Whitman



David Michaels


1 points  


Question 6




The executive branch limits the power of administrative agencies through which of the following?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”6″,name:”mc ans _93034230_1″}));




The power of the judiciary to augment the executive branch’s decisions



The power of the President to veto congressional mandates



The power of the OMB to withhold approved, appropriated funds to agencies



The power of the OMB to recommend a fiscal year budget for each agency


1 points  


Question 7




Which of the following is NOT a part of the Department of Interior?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”7″,name:”mc ans _93034231_1″}));




U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service



Bureau of Land Management



Army Corps of Engineers



National Park Service


1 points  


Question 8




Which of the following is NOT a part of the Department of Labor?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”8″,name:”mc ans _93034232_1″}));




Occupational Safety and Health Administration



Mine Safety and Health Administration



Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement



National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety


1 points  


Question 9




Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 regional offices of the EPA?


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”9″,name:”mc ans _93034233_1″}));










St. Louis





1 points  


Question 10




Informal rule making is also known as:


Answer formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”10″,name:”mc ans _93034234_1″}));




no hearing rule making.



notice and comment rule making.



hybrid rule making.



exempted rule making.


1 points  


Question 11




Describe how an administrative agency functions, and illustrate how the regulatory actions of any one such agency has had an impact on your local or regional living environment. Your response should contain approximately 250 300 of your own words. Provide a reference citation for your source material.




  1. Briefly outline the structure and goals of the EPA, and illustrate how this agency impacts an important environmental regulatory aspect of your workplace. Your answer should be approximately 250 300 of your own words. Provide a reference citation for your source material.





    Reflect on what you learned in this ON Administrative Law and Its

    Impact on the

    Environment  unit within Environmental Law. Describe something that you had difficulty with and where you think the difficulty lies.

    Your response should be at least 75 words in length. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and allow your professor to provide feedback.





    Reflect on what you learned in this unit within Environmental Law. Describe something that you learned within Unit II that can be applied to your career or an area of interest.

    Your response should be at least 75 words in length. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and allow your professor to provide feedback.


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