Select a Position and Create a Job Description, and Case Study Target, management homework help




Conduct independent research on o*net, which is a US DOL site, to find a recruiter, employment coordinator, or other human resources position. Perform a brief job analysis; then in a 2 – 3 page paper address the following:

  • Provide an overview of the purposes of job analysis
  • Discuss key points about the tasks comprising job analysis
  • Create a job description that includes the following:
    • Job title and identifying information
    • Job specifications
    • Essential job functions (no more than 9)
  • Provide your conclusion and make sure to adress the importance of job analysis
  • Be sure to use APA style with at least two sources cited

****************2 different assignments but same topic***********

After reading the case study conduct independent research to help support your paper. Then in a 2 – 3 page paper address the following:

  • Provide an overview that summarizes the EEOC case against Target
  • Identify the key issues involved
  • Explain the facts of the case by defining:
    • What are the general barriers to legally defensible staffing?
    • What are testers and how does the EEOC use them?
    • What would have been proper record retention in this case?
  • Your conclusion on the case study
  • Be sure to use APA style with at least two sources cited



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