self reflection what i learned from interviewing 8 1

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your interview experience from last week. Perhaps you have noticed how well (or how poorly) you paid attention; or that something the interviewee said astonished you; or how quickly (or slowly) the time went by.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources related to qualitative interviewing.
  • Consider the phone interview you conducted in Week 7.
    • Listen to your recording 2–3 times.
    • Review the notes you took during and after the interview.
    • Consider how this experience is different or similar to a conventional conversation.

By Day 3

Post your reflection and analysis on what you learned about interviewing. Include in your reflection and analysis:

  • At least two things you would do differently and why
  • Something new and surprising that you learned
  • A reflection about the value of interviewing as a data collection tool

Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.

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