Simulation: Pathways To Safer Opioid Use

Link for pathways to safer opioid use simulation

Character: James Parker

(Previous paper attached)

These are the decisions used in the previous Simulation, please pick different answer from the ones below.

1. Tell him is an 8 explain why

2. Ask about alternative treatment options

3. Risk having to stay longer

4.Yes ask why it is necessary

5.Do Both

6.Go see a pyschologist

  • You will proceed through the simulation as James Parker again, but make different decisions to see the different effects they cause.
  • You will then write a 3 page paper describing the process you went through and the results in comparison to last week that you got based on the different decisions you made as James. State how James became addicted and what both the patient and the caregivers could have done to prevent this.
  • Provide and integrate at least two scholarly resources within your paper that support prevention of opioid addiction.
  •  This paper must be written in APA format, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins.
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