Social business process management

Social business process management

Read “Social Networks, Innovation and the MITH Myth” article by Fingar from *ATTACHED
Post the link to an article/video on social business process management:
(IBM Software Thought Leadership White Paper) *ATTACHED
Explain the similarities and differences between the article on social business process management in the article ( The article that you already did last week and I attached for you) AND What Fingar has to say about social networks article.

Social business process management

Social business process management

The article by Fingar explains that technology is more that using a computer to perform
basic roles. The technology comprises of using the computing abilities to be creative for
innovation purposes. Fingar explains that the current economy is being taken over by intellectual
properties. This economy is being driven by the growing use of the software. He finds the
abundance of social media as a source of unnecessary noise that is not healthy for business. Also,
it consumes employees time. He finds that the social networks have created an easy way of
reaching a large audience but hard enough to connect with them.

Social business process management

In contrary, the IBM Software article argues that social networks will foster a micro-
economy where the currency will be trust. The various networks will enhance business
processing and successful delivery of services. The abundance of the social network will foster a
good customer relationship management. The internet will provide an online engagement that
gives a consumer the confidence of buying a product. The online social platforms are a form of
direct customer relationship that can replace marketing materials.

Social business process management

However, both articles have similar views as follows. They both confirm that social
media is a platform of communication and connecting. The articles concur by arguing that social
network can improve product sales. However, Fingar adds that strategic planning and
management is essential to acquire the benefits. They agree that social network is a place to
reach customers. Additionally, finger argues that a network can help reach people but not does
not assure the connection with the people. Their argument on the various networks as a means of
sharing information agrees, but Fingar perceives it as noise.

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