social history 1


Interview and Social History

This module addressed a variety of tools that may be used to gather the information needed to help guide case management and decision-making for the client. After reading all of the assigned chapters this week, use the strategies outlined in Chapters 15 and 16 to interview a friend or acquaintance – NOT a family member or “significant other.” From that interview, develop a social history on the person.

  • Describe in a few sentences how you recruited someone to let you interview them (3-4 sentences).
  • Write up a complete social history on the person (at least 800 words) using the outline in Chapter 16.
  • Keep the person’s name and any personally identifiable information anonymous. For example, do not say, “This is my father.”
  • Include a title page with proper headers and page numbers.

Below is a intake assessment done on a 31 year old female by the name of Jane Doe. Date of birth 10/13/1988.


Attached are notes and a completed example of what the assignment should look like. Please follow that same outlined in the attached example of the completed social history.

Description and History of the Problem Presenting Problem (includes the reason for referral, what the client is requesting, and how the client sees the problem)

31 year old female, lost her mother in 2007 while she was pregnant with her son who is now 12 years old. Boyfriend left her for a another woman and she is now raising her on her own with no financial help from the child’s father. She is complaining of depression with suicidal thoughts. She gets depressed around the holiday times and on her beloved mother’s birthday which is 11/16. Seeking grieve counseling and mental heath services for her depression.

Background Information about the Person’s Life;

Family of Origin

Grew up in Jamaica. Had a great childhood. lost her mother in 2007, father died june 2019. Has 13 aunts and 5 uncles, many cousins in Jamaica.

Birth and Childhood

Born in Jamaica, raised by both parents. Spent summer breaks in the country part of Jamaica with her grandfather and her mother’s paternal side of the family.

Marriages and Significant Relationships

Never married, child father left her for another woman. has one son who is 12 years old. Has a significant other now who has 11 children of his own

Current Living Arrangements

Lives in an apartment with her son and her boyfriend of 3 years


Graduated high school in Jamaica. No GED, no college education. Started trade school but changes mind and dropped out. Completed certified nursing assistant school

Military Service


Employment History

Work as a CNA at a Senior Nursing facility for the past 5 years

Medical History

Asthma and anemia

Legal History

1 DUI 7 years ago

Social and Recreational Activities

Plays volleyball, enjoys swimming and taking her son to the park.

Religious Activities

Attends Pentecostal church only on religious holidays.

Successes, Strengths, and Resources

Seeking resources, hard worker for strength, takes care of her son….

Impressions and Recommendations

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