strategic audit report 1

The Toyota Corporation is the company of interest.

Answer these three questions double spaced

Part 1 How has the company performed over the past year in terms of investment, market share, and profitability?

Part 2 What are the company’s mission and vision statements? Please ensure the statements are from a valid source, such as the organization’s website. If the company does not have a listed mission or vision statement, then write one for them. Explain what makes a good mission and vision statement and what makes bad ones. Use a reference (correctly cited) to support your explanation/perspective. Then explain if your company’s mission and vision statement (or the one you have written for them) is a good one or a bad one and why.

*Review the following video explaining how to write a mission and vision statement.

Part 3 List the company’s board of directors by name, if they are internal or external board members, what year they were elected to the board, what they do on the board for your company, and what their level of management is.

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