system analysis and design essay 1 1


Scenario: The project manager has asked you which changeover implementation method you are going use to replace Microsoft Office 2010 with the new version, Microsoft Office 2016, within the CSU organization.

The requirements are:

  1. Select which changeover implementation method you will use. Explain why you chose that particular method, and summarize how you will implement the changeover from Microsoft Office 2010 to Microsoft Office 2016 (if training, limited or no work days, etc., are necessary).
  2. Explain the advantages or disadvantages of your choice of implementation.
  3. Draw a 0 level DFD diagram.
  4. Summarize how legacy software applications can be replaced after the end of their lifecycles.

Your paper should be a minimum two pages. Format your essay using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism.

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