Take a moment and reflect over the last eight weeks, thinking about the course as a whole: the lectures, textbook, assignments, discussions, exams and instructor and student interactions.


Consumer Behavior

Assignment Week 8b

Reflective Journal

Course Reflection

Take a moment and reflect over the last eight weeks, thinking about the course as a whole: the lectures, textbook, assignments, discussions, exams and instructor and student interactions. Reflect on the course content, and all the marketing concepts that were introduced. What are three things you enjoyed about the course? What are some concepts you would like to learn more about? How can you take the concepts you learned in this course and apply it to your everyday life as a consumer?

Your work should be at least 500 words and draw from your own personal thoughts and ideas. This journal entry should be written in first person and use concepts from the lesson. If you use information from the textbook or lecture, be sure that you cite your sources.

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