Tarrant County College District How Does Smoking Affect Fetal Development Essay




Write a summary of each research article. Include the hypothesis proposed, the methodology used, and the results obtained. Include a discussion of one criticism or limitation of each study. After doing this for each article, write an integrative and comprehensive summary statement that draws some conclusions regarding the findings of the articles you reviewed. **Include the MLA OR APA (2010) references for each articles researched (this will be your next to last page).  The findings need to be integrated into an effective conclusion regarding the results of the studies you reviewed. Are there contradictions? If so, what, and how would you resolve any contradictory findings. Do the studies support each other? If so, explain how the studies support the evidence.  Include a discussion of the relevance of this topic to your lifespan process, and discuss what you feel are additional questions or issues that need to be addressed.

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