texas teachers lesson plans

Plans can be of any subject at any grade level. There must be 3 different plans for 3 different classes. Must be completed in the plan template provided. Rubrics and example plan provided for guide.

This project evaluates your knowledge and skills in the following areas:

Using the state standard to write learning objectives

Aligning the rigor of the state standard to the rigor of the learning objective

Developing a performance measure that is aligned to the state standard and is included in the learning objective

Recognizing the basic elements of lesson planning

Be sure your learning objective includes the assessment. You must include how you will measure student learning in the learning objective. People fail this project because they do not include this in their learning objective.

Instructional strategies

The inclusion of effective literacy strategies

The inclusion of effective student use of technology (Every lesson must include the active use of student technology. Without this, you will not pass this project.)

The extent to which you have differentiated each lesson (This is evaluated through the reteach activities and extension activities. Extension activities are for students who already know the content you will be teaching. You must include activities for both students who don’t understand the content, and those who already do and need to extend their learning.)

Questioning strategies and feedback – Be sure you identify the level of Bloom’s taxonomy for each question.

Accommodations and modifications – You must have at least one of each. Do not write “follow the IEP”

Assessing learning

The overall plan

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