thank you for your detailed posting you accurately described the differences in the two programs it is interesting because i have taught at another school in the school s adn program in the past and in the rn to bsn program currently there are many nu

  • Thank you for your detailed posting. You accurately described the differences in the two programs. It is interesting because I have taught at another school in the school’s ADN program in the past and in the RN to BSN program currently. There are many nurses that come into the RN to BSN program often for job security as many of their places of employment are working on Magnet status and the nurses have been told they must get a BSN. Many of these nurses have told me they did not want to come back to school, feeling “it is a waste of time” because they have twenty plus years in the profession and there is “nothing to learn at the BSN level”. It is very interesting to see these nurses evolve over the time they are in the BSN program. Invariably they all tell me how wrong they were and how much they DID have to learn. What are your thoughts on this?

I told you that she would come back with something.

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