The objective of this assignment is to develop a Business Plan for selecting and establishing an E-Business of your choice.

The objective of this assignment is to develop a Business Plan for selecting and establishing an E-Business of your choice. Imagine that you want to start an E-Business; develop your ideas about such a business and write a comprehensive business plan that could be utilized to solicit funding from a lending institution or from the venture capital community. The E-Business plan has the following components: the personnel plan, marketing plan, financial plan, technology plan, and risk management plan. Utilize the plan workbook in the course pack to guide your work in the development of the marketing, financial, and personnel. Also use the outline in the course pack to develop the risk management plan. You may also read the write up about risk analysis and management in the course pack to help you develop the rationale for the risk management plan. Furthermore, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) detailed in the course pack should be utilized in the development of the technology plan. The technology plan also contains a discussion of the analysis, design, and development of the website for your E-Business.

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