The Short Story and Poem: A Comparison of Literary Forms

Be sure to read chapters 8-11 in Clugston for this week, paying special attention to the stories and poems.


Reflecting on this week’s literary readings, as well as your own reading experiences, identify at least one major similarity and one major difference between the forms of the short story and the poem. How do the differences between these literary forms affect how you read and respond to them? 
In your response, include an example of at least one poem from this week’s readings. Describe the connections between (a) the poem’s form and/or use of literary devices and your experience of the poem and (b) your reading experience (see key literary terms listed in our textbook – e.g., alliteration, rhyme, iambic pentameter, etc.). If you wish, you may also compare your experience of the poem to your experience reading a short story that shares with the poem a similar theme. 
Initial posts must be 200 to 300 words in length 


Clugston, R. W. (2014). Journey into literature (2nd ed.). San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. 

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