The United States Civil War Erupted in 1860 Sectionalism Question

I have uploaded 2 files on sectionalism labeled ECWC Topic, and a map, labeled Gentlemen Map, for you to review. Keep in mind the religious, economic, social, and national make up of these colonies that were to become states after the revolution. Not all colonies were the same. For example Virginia was chartered as a joint stock colony given to the London company, Pennsylvania was a proprietary colony given to William Penn, and New York was a Royal colony given to the the Duke of York. The New England colonies were of the puritan faith, the middle colonies were a mix of religious faiths, and the southern colonies were predominantly of the Anglican faith or Church of England. The economies of these sections varied as well. I will leave the assimilation of the information I have provided in the many articles and papers located in the files section up to you. Read the material and form some hypothesis as to why these united colonies, and later states, Fought the bloodiest war on American soil in the history of the United States.

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