this is an assignment about children s literature look at it

Please post a 1000 word review (around 4 Word document pages) of a FAIRY-TALE/any BOOK of children’s literature. You cannot choose those titles that we have worked with closely this semester, e.g., “Matilda” or “Charlotte’s Web” or our chosen fairy-tales for Module 6. In your book review, you should describe the plot in 5-7 sentences using appropriate terminology that we covered in our Plot Module. What is the issue/main theme that is illustrated in your chosen book? Your analysis will also focus on Setting along with Style and Tone of your chosen book. Please organize your work in headings and sub-headings to visually differentiate between various theory driven notions. (Ex. Plot, Theme, Setting, Style/Tone, etc.)

Citations of Lukens’ textbook and your chosen children’s book are required for this assignment. You will also include a Reflection paragraph where you describe how your book review choice for Module 12 shows your evolving interest in children’s literature. If you start to see some patterns, you may comment on how particular topics, genres, or even styles have captured your interest and/or changed your point of view. If you work in a group, ALL group members have to post their individual reflection part. This assignment is to be posted on the discussion board.

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