tvm and financial decisions

DUE: 11.06.14 @ 11:59PM


If you have put money in a savings account, made monthly auto or mortgage payments, or paid down your student loan ahead of time you have inherently applied TVM.


  • Discuss how you may have used TVM in a recent investment or loan decision and explain some of the TVM details that may have been involved in your transaction.
  • If you have not used TVM in the past financial transactions explain potential TVM applications you would encounter in future business or personal transactions.

Document Requirements:


Use standard 12 point font size

MS Word Document 

3/4 1 page paper(I will not need anything more then one page)

1 2 sources in APA citation(I willn’t need anymore then 3 sources for sure)

Thorough Response is a must!!

 And NO plagiarism!!

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