Understanding Philosophical Underpinnings of Research


Assignment 1 – The Nature of Knowing:

Understanding Philosophical Underpinnings of Research

(20 points)

Based on knowledge learned from your course readings, write a 3 to a 5-page academic paper

describing the philosophical underpinnings of research. To guide your understanding, think

about a problem (i.e., issue or concern) in your concentration area/workplace in which you are

interested. For example, students in the EdD program lack basic awareness of the philosophical

underpinning of research. Based on the research problem, provide the following information

using evidence (i.e., information from your class readings or external sources) to support your

argument. Please include at least one citation for items ii-vii and include at least three total

citations in this assignment. Please ensure your paper is written in correct FCE format and APA


i. Write a research problem (i.e., an issue or concern) in your concentration

area/workplace in which you are interested. Please e-mail the research problem to

your professor for approval PRIOR to completing this assignment.

ii. What paradigm will you follow to address the research problem? Why is this the most

appropriate paradigm to address the research problem?

iii. What is the ontological position? Discuss the view of reality based on the chosen


iv. What is the epistemological belief? Discuss how knowledge is constructed through

this epistemological lens.

v. What methodology will you choose? Provide evidence to support the appropriateness

of the chosen methodology.

vi. What potential data collection method(s) will you use to address the research

problem? Provide a rationale for the selection.

vii. Discuss the limitations of the chosen ontology.

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