unit 4

Johny: please read the instructions which are attached.


Basically, your research paper should be 1500 – 2000 words long, not including your “References” page, which means the body of your essay should be about five (5) pages, double-spaced, minimum, PLUS your title page AND your “Abstract” AND your “References” page.




Below is a breakdown to guide you regarding the word/length requirement for your final draft.

Abstract = 120 words

Introduction = 250-350 words

Literature Review = 600- 800 words

Four (4) body paragraphs (minimum) = 100-150 words each = 400-600 words (approximately)

Conclusion = 150 word minimum

TOTAL: 1520 words EXCLUDING APA “References” page, which adds to the word count

NOTE: Your research paper in ALL drafts must be submitted as ONE (1) document, including the title page, abstract, body pages AND “References” page (these just are not included in your word count).

Basically, your research paper should be 1500 – 2000 words long, not including your “References” page, which means the body of your essay should be about five (5) pages, double-spaced, minimum, PLUS your title page AND your “Abstract” AND your “References” page.

A general rule of thumb for you . . . if you have a minimum of five (5) research sources, you should expect to write about five (5) pages . . . in other words, for every research source you must have, that should equal the # of pages.

So for a final example, if you had a research project requiring three (3) sources, then your minimum page length would be about three (3) pages of text, again NOT including the “References” page or the title page, which still should be included as part of your one (1) document.

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