US Trade Policy Discussion Questions

Please remember that you must refer to our readings at all times. You can use external sources, but to strengthen your argument and not to make your argument. Wikipedia is not accepted as an external source. Please make sure you refer to the right author, book, and page number if you are quoting or refering.

1. The first two readings explained the US trade policy evolution since the Hamilton Report to Congress to NAFTA. Please pick three (3) acts/agreements that you think have shaped the trade policy in the US.

  • Explain each one making sure you elaborate on the how, why, who, when, and where these were implemented.
  • Make sure you explain the events, presidents, results, intentions, solutions that these policies aimed at solving.
  • Finally, please elaborate on the WHY do you think these 3 picks were significant.
  • Make sure you cite the reading and author of the reading.

2. We have analyzed trade under NAFTA and USMCA. Please use this reading to elaborate on two of the provisions that:

  • Either existed in NAFTA and that were changed in the USMCA and/or new provisions that were included into the USMCA that were not in the NAFTA.

3. The reading – How to make trade work for workers – explained how trade policy has been traditionally understood (foreign policy or efficiency lens) and the need of a middle ground represented by the USMCA.

  • Please explain each of the two traditional views according to the readings.
  • Please explain why, according to the author, these are not the correct way to make trade policy.
  • Do you agree or disagree with these traditional views?


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