week 1 assignment next 5 hours

Article Critique: Masking Poor Communication

Read “Close Relationships Sometimes Mask Poor Communication.” Then, write a two page paper (excluding title and reference pages) about your thoughts on this article. In your paper, be sure also to address the following:

  • Have you ever had a miscommunication with someone close to you simply because you assumed that they understood you? What happened?
  • How can you make sure that this kind of miscommunication does not happen in the future? Or when it does happen, what could you do to make your communication more clear?

Be sure to reference the article and at least one of the other course readings from this week in your paper. This can be your textbook or one of the recommended articles. The paper must be formatted according to APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

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