week 3 forum leaderless resistance and the lone wolf with 300 words with two responses 150 words each and follow up question

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Go to Lesson Tab Week 3

Class: HLSS154 Mind of a Terrorist

Important: ** I will Post Forums and Response to my class ok. Just send me in 12pt Microsoft Word. I will send you the three responses in a few Thank you**

Discussion Questions: Based on the required readings this week by Gartenstein-Ross, Michael, and Upadhyay, summarize the psychological and behavioral factors that appear to be most prevalent among lone wolf terrorists. Additionally, do you see these terrorists as primarily focused on domestic inspirations or international causes?

Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least two other students. Responses should be a approximately 100 words. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, and the quality of original ideas. While proper APA is not required, Proper attribution to sources that informed your posting should include the required readings and be referenced as APA style, and in-text parenthetical citations are required if directly quoting from sources. Refer to the grading rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET

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