week 5 dq 1 2 0

DQ 1:



Watch the Groupthink video, and explain why the concept of groupthink does not necessarily have a positive connotation. Describe what groupthink refers to, and discuss the conditions that must be present in order for this process to occur. What are the characteristics of groupthink, and what are the potential consequences of the group’s decision making process? Your textbook provides a few historical examples of when groupthink led our country in the wrong direction. Can you offer a current example of this, perhaps from the perspective of pop culture? Include at least one scholarly reference in your post that is cited according to APA guidelines.


Second DQ ?

Social Dilemmas

Three social dilemmas are presented in Chapter 9 of your textbook: tragedy of the commons or the commons dilemma, resource dilemma, and prisoner’s dilemma. Choose two of the three concepts and explain how each is related to social problems within a specific culture. How did these problems originate, and what can we do to improve or eliminate them? What recommendations do you have? Please provide a minimum of two recommendations.

EACH HAS TO BE 150 200 words EACH


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