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To complete the following journal entry, go to this week’s Journal link in the left navigation.

  1. Portfolios

As Chapter 9 of your text discusses how portfolios are used to develop a holistic picture of a child’s abilities.  As a teacher, your role in portfolio assessment is a vital one, but as Wortham (2012) discusses, so is a child’s parent.  For this journal entry, reflect on the importance of portfolio assessment in the classroom or childcare center.  

  1. How does this type of assessment support you as the caregiver or teacher in your quest to ensure growth?
  2. Also, what are some ways that you can include parents in the portfolio assessment process, and why is this important for you as a teacher or caregiver?
  3. How will you involve children in the portfolio process?
  4. Lastly, how will you ensure parents see what is in the child’s portfolio?

Journal Options: 

  1. Written reflection journal.
  2. Create a Voki.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your journal entries.

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