What type of problems in supply chain can be addressed by the selected typical problem?

Step 1: Identify and Solve a Typical Problem There are a number of typical models in the Operations Research field which can be applied to a wide range of supply chain problems. Select one of the following typical models:

• Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP)

• Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (mTSP)

• Knapsack Problem

• Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP)

• Job Shop Scheduling

• Parallel Machine Scheduling

• Christmas lunch problem

• Newsvendor problem

• Pickup and delivery

• Travelling thief problem

• Eight queens problem

• Minimum Spanning Tree

• Hamiltonian path problem

Step 2: LR on Application of Selected Typical Model in Design and Analysis of Supply Chain

• Identify at least 5 peer reviewed articles in which your selected typical problem has been employed to address knowledge gaps in supply chain field.

– At least one of the selected articles should be published after 2010.

• Write a comprehensive literature review on the application of “your selected” typical model in design and analysis of supply chain and address the following (but not limited to) points:

– What type of problems in supply chain can be addressed by the selected typical problem?

– Compare similarities and differences of selected articles.

– Discuss the suitability of using the selected typical model in design/analysis of various supply chains.

– What are the limitations of your selected typical problem?

– Undertaking any additional critical and/or content analysis on the application of selected typical problem in design and analysis of supply chain is highly recommended.

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