Who is Henrietta Lacks Sociology Questions




SPA: Immortality—Answer The Following Questions Using the EZ Outline/Template and Rubric to Guide Your Writing

1. Who is Henrietta Lacks? (25 words or more with a separate word count)

a. Find three articles/videos online about this woman

i. What did she do?

ii. Why is she important?

iii. Did her family receive any reparations?

2. Are there any other incidents of Black women being treated the same way? (25 words or more with a separate word count)

a. What is eugenics?

b. Should it ever be used on human beings?

i. Explain your answer

3. What other groups in the US have been trying to get reparations? (25 words or more with a separate word count)

a. Are those groups entitled to reparations?

i. Explain your answer

b. How would you distribute reparations among the people?

i. Explain your answer


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