Learning Resources

Note: Be sure to complete this module’s Discussion before reviewing the Learning Resources.

Required Resources

Optional Resources

Sharing Current Information

Keeping current with new developments in the field is important to your work as a child development professional. It is particularly vital in working with children who have special needs, or, more respectfully termed, “varying abilities.” Changes in legislation, new research and thinking, and evolving developmental and educational opportunities or roadblocks can affect the quality of learning and life for every child.

As you begin the course this week, look ahead to the aspects of individuality that you will explore in each module. Start now to learn what is new or newsworthy with regard to the topics to be covered.

To prepare for this Discussion:


  • Go to https://www2.smartbrief.com/cec/index.jsp and sign up for the free CEC SmartBrief from the Council for Exceptional Children. SmartBrief is a daily summary of news related to special education. When you sign up, you will automatically receive the top 10 most popular news stories from the previous month.
  • Choose one story from among the top 10—or others you receive from CEC SmartBrief—that interests you most and relates to a course topic or the theme of the individuality of children. Be sure to click the link at the end of the summary to get the full article.
  • Read and analyze the article you have chosen by considering:
    • What is this article about? Why does it interest you?
    • How does this information or perspective apply to a child development professional working with young children with varying abilities and their families?
    • What insights does the article offer about a topic to be covered in the course and/or about the individuality of children?
    • Does the article address myths, misconceptions, and/or stereotypes about children with special needs? If so, what can you learn that will benefit your work with young children and families?

With the article you chose and your thoughts in mind, follow the instructions below for this Discussion.

Note: You are required to cite the article in your discussion post using APA (American Psychological Association) style. Visit http://www.apastyle.org/learn/index.aspx for guidance.

By Day 3 of Week 1:

Post your responses to the following:

  • In your own words, summarize the article you chose and explain your reasons for selecting it. Cite the article using APA style.
  • Explain how the information and/or perspective in this article can be of use to child development professionals and to your own future work with young children and families.
  • Describe any myths, misconceptions, and/or stereotypes about young children with special needs that were corrected by this article.
  • Share insights about the individuality of children that you gained from the article.

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