write a memo i am giving you an example of the memo in first document where she instructed how to write the memo assignment

All you have to write a memo.I am giving you an example of the memo in first document where she instructed how to write the memo assignment.there is an example at the very last part of the pdf file(instructions for memo assignment) and memo should be exactly in this format which includes the part those are background , current process, problems and next steps.You have to follow the steps like the example I have given in the instruction file.Professor also told me to write some notes in process redesign sheet which may expand my memo assignment. I am also including the rough note part ( which is also called process redesign sheet) which were done by me.You can get help some idea from that worksheet note about what information I wanted to insert.I chose the topic for the memo is migration of data from data center to cloud services. In current process part,Write how data centers keep our company data in general and in what regular process. In problems part, write what are the problems we are facing due to current process of data storage through data center. Do not describe any the solution!Solution will be next part of the assignment. I will forward the next part of the assignment (proposal and recommendation) when the first part is done.

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