1 amp 2 in different docs pls apa references and citations

1)According to Kirk (2016), the essence of “Formulating Your Brief” is to “identify the context in which your work will be undertaken and then define its aims: it is the who, what, where, when and how.” It could be formal or informal as any project you think you must make it. This phase is where you create a vision for your work.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data visualisation: A handbook for data driven design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.

Initial Post

Why is it so important to formulate your brief for a data presentation? Discuss some ways you would implement to formulate an effective brief. What are some advantages to your methods? What are some disadvantages?

2)Read the mini case, Innovation at international Foods (pp. 234-238).

Submit a Word document with the following:

  • Complies with the APA and writing standards for this course
  • Has a SafeAssign score of less than 25%. You may submit your assignment multiple times to check the SafeAssign score. Only the final submission will be graded. Final submissions with a SafeAssign score of 25% or higher will not be graded.
  • Has three scholarly sources, not including our textbook.
  • Answer question one and two on page 238. Your answer to question should include strategies for overcoming each of the obstacles and be about two pages long. Your answer to question two should be about two pages long.
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