reflective paper 21

Instructions: Each student will compose an original, properly cited (APA style) personal reflective paper that illustrates a thoughtful understanding of the THREE objectives listed:

  • Communication as a dynamic process basic to individual and organizational life
  • Communication barriers arising from cultural differences
  • Your role as a teacher/administrator/manager/leader related to the use of effective communication to reach your own goals as well as the goals of your organization

A “reflective paper” allows you to talk about what your learned in this class, how your learned it,

and what you think about it. It may be written in first person.

Format: Refer to an APA source for the proper format of an APA-style manuscript. In general, the paper

should follow this format:

  • Include only these three correctly formatted manuscript parts:
  • A title page
  • The body of the report (At least 5 full pages—no more than 7 pages)—NO abstract needed
  • A reference page (with a MINIMUM of four references) only five full pages

ï‚· Set line spacing at double-space (under Paragraph format) with no extra spacing before or

after paragraphs

 Indent only the first line of each paragraphs ½”

ï‚· Use word wrap to allow lines to flow automatically

ï‚· Press Enter ONLY ONCE at the end of each paragraph

ï‚· Use 12 Pt. Times New Roman or similar serif font

ï‚· Include a page header in the upper left-hand of every page. To create a page header, go to

the header of your document (Insert Header in Word 2007 or 2010, or View Headers and

Footers is Word 2003) and type the first 2-3 words of the title of the paper in all caps, tab to

the right margin, then use the Insert Page Number feature to insert the page number at the

current location.

 Start the content of every page on the first line of type (1” top margin on every page)

ï‚· In your introduction, prepare the scene for your readers by telling them exactly which

objectives you will talk about in your paper.

ï‚· Use APA style headings to introduce each topic (objective) that you mentioned in your

introduction ( ).

ï‚· In your closing, summarize the main topics that you discussed in your paper and provide

conclusions and/or recommendations based on what you learned.

If you are unsure about any of these formats, please consult a friend or colleague with word processing experience, use the

Help file in Word or post a question in the Cyber Cafe. If you have questions about special format issues (such as long

quotations), refer to your APA source. If you are unsure about how to write a reflective paper, you will find many

explanations and examples on the Internet

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