weekly tasks or assignments individual or group projects will be due monday and late submi 0

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. You are on a team of law enforcement specialists working for the Department of Homeland Security. You have been asked to provide an in service training to a local law enforcement agency for a large city. •Choose one of the following topics: ◦Federal Statutes that can be used to address terrorist financing ◦Asset forfeiture as a tool in combating terrorist financing •Research the topic. •Submit a 3 page memo on the chosen subject, including: ◦An overview of the current laws relating to your topic. ◦Examples of the federal statutes in action, or asset forfeiture to combat terrorist financing in action. ◦Your discussion what works well or what needs to be improved with our current federal statutes, or asset forfeiture processes. ◦Ways in which local law enforcement can work with the federal government to effectively combat terrorist financing. ◦Discuss any other issues you find relevant to this case.
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