Entries by Florence

this is an assignment about children s literature look at it

Please post a 1000 word review (around 4 Word document pages) of a FAIRY-TALE/any BOOK of children’s literature. You cannot choose those titles that we have worked with closely this semester, e.g., “Matilda” or “Charlotte’s Web” or our chosen fairy-tales for Module 6. In your book review, you should describe the plot in 5-7 sentences […]


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discussion 2328

Chapter 10 Q2: what are some of the worst jobs you know about? Why are they bad jobs? Why do people want these jobs? (200 words) Q3: If you were redesigning the jobs described in question 2, what changes would you make? Are your changes realistic? Would they improve productivity? (200 words) Q5: What are […]


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milestone help

I need help with my phonetics project. It is divided into 5 milestones. I need asisstance with the third milestone. its a milestone that is dedicated for measuring vowels and consonants of 100 Tagalog words using Praat software. The measurements should be filled in the attached xls sheet. The phonetic transcription and data organization are […]


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300 word discussion post 43

Week 3 Discussion: Academic Integrity Purpose and Course Outcome The discussion topic this week pertains to the following Course Outcome. CO 1: Consider the role of the professional nurse in relation to the concepts of integrity and ethical accountability within nursing practice. (POs 4, 6) Discussion How is a culture of academic integrity upheld in […]


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the roman empire and rise of christianity

In the decades following the ascendancy of Augustus Caesar, the Roman Empire enjoyed its greatest expansion in territory, wealth, and power. Within that same era, another movement was born and had begun to spread widely, mostly within the empire. That movement—Christianity—would eventually draw attention, irritation, and, periodically, persecution from Roman officials and emperors, later culminating […]


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select two of the major religious traditions studied in this unit of the course summarize the key features of each and contrast them with each other and with the greek philosophical tradition write an essay in which you answer the following

What sensations, feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are expressed in religious rituals? How have religious traditions survived from their historical origins down to the present day? What social and cultural differences make it difficult for people from distinct traditions to relate to each other productively? What power do these approaches have to transform individual lives? Other […]


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