complete short discussion and then use the discussion for the formal outline for the term paper troy


Why is the Republican Party mostly Conservative (Classical Liberalism) while the Democratic Party is mostly Liberal (Modern Liberalism)?


Outline for Term Paper (5 points out of 100): This will be a formal Outline due in Week 5. It will be the “blueprint” for the argumentative/analytical Term Paper due at the end of class. You pick and then modify any of the Discussion Questions from the 8 weeks. You must make an argument (take a side), get evidence (from legitimate, mainstream sources), and persuade me of your argument. It needs to be 2+ pages long, in any standard outline format, and needs to include a thesis, arguments, a conclusion, and a Works Cited section (with at least 6 legitimate, mainstream sources using proper English and a URL if needed); if you miss any of these you will lose points. Carefully examine the Example under Course Documents. The Outline should be submitted through Canvas as a MS Word file (.doc or .docx); any other format will be rejected and you will get a 0 (TROY Policy). Name the files correctly (POL3300_YOURNAME_ASSIGNMENT.DOC i.e. POL3300_Smith_Outline.doc) or you will lose points (since I receive scores of these each week and need to file them efficiently and correctly for your sake and mine).

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