Grantham WK3 Pre Initiation Activities Before Starting a Project Paper




IT Project Management

Read the business case at Bertas_Pizza_Business_Case.docx
See the organization chart Bertas_and_HiFives_organization_charts.docx
Locate the project charter template charter.docx
Locate the project plan template Project Management Plan_template.docx

  1. What are the pre-initiation activities that need to take place before a project begins?
  1. Use the business case, organization chart, and the project charter template, to create a project charter.
  1. Use the project plan template to complete the “Overview” section of the Project management plan.
  1. Based on what you know about the project from the business case, and organization chart, what type of project management methodology would you use to manage it? Why?

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.


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