Healthcare Ads Discussion

We learn by applying what we are studying.  We are exposed to the  results of “marketing strategies” every day in 100 ways!  Television,  the Internet, our phones, radio, billboards – social media!

So, what works!?

This week we are talking about customer loyalty.

What catches your attention?

Which ads work for you as a target segment?

Why do they work for you?

In this assignment you will choose an ad and evaluate it.  You must answer the following questions:

Find a healthcare related ad on some venue.

If this ad is not healthcare related, be prepared to say how it could work for a healthcare audience and why? Be specific.

List the three strengths of the ad, based on what we have learned so far.

  1. List three weaknesses of the ad and suggest an alternative or  improvements to the ad.  Describe the difference these change/s would  make.


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