juvenile group home 1

You work for the administrator in charge of juvenile corrections in your county. She is considering adding a secure group home to the juvenile system and has given you the task of researching the issue. Prepare a report in a Microsoft Word document that addresses the following points and cite all your sources in APA format:

  • Explain how group homes can be effective as an alternative to incarceration for juvenile offenders.
  • Review any drawbacks, including concerns regarding costs, security, and impact on the offenders.
  • Discuss the challenges associated with using group homes as an alternative to incarceration.
  • Discuss other programs that can reduce the recidivism rate of juvenile offenders.
  • Explain how group homes can be used in conjunction with restorative justice.
  • Conclude by recommending whether or not a group home is a good solution and explain your reasoning. If it is a good idea, then specify the types of offenders it would be appropriate for
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