Mission, Vision, Values and organization’s Management (1,400-words), homework help





Examine the mission, vision, and values statements of your place of employment or one with which you are familiar.

Create a 1,400-word evaluation of the company’s values and goals. Include the following:

  • Compare the organization’s mission, vision, and values against the criteria for robust statements.
  • Identify the organization’s core competencies.
  • Examine the organization’s core competencies based on established definitions. Include a rationale for the selection of these core competencies.
  • Determine the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Discuss whether the organization’s current behavior and business goals are aligned to its mission, vision, values, and core competencies.
  • Determine if the organization lives up to its own mission, vision, and values.
  • Justify your determination.

Format the assignment consist with APA guidelines. Plagiarized or late work will not receive payment.



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