Need management help with a course project on job salaries





You are provided with two options for your course project below. Select ONE of the options below for your analysis.

Option 1 allows you to analyze job salaries for the state of Minnesota.

Option 1 Scenario

Option 1 Data Set

Review each scenario and data set carefully and choose which scenario you would like to work with. Begin Phase 1 of your analysis by including the following information:

Introduce your scenario and data set.

Provide a brief overview of the scenario you are given above and the data set that you will be analyzing.

Classify the variables in your data set.

Which variables are quantitative/qualitative?

Which variables are discrete/continuous?

Describe the level of measurement for each variable included in your data set.

Discuss the importance of the Measures of Center and the Measures of Variation.

What are the measures of center and why are they important?

What are the measures of variation and why are they important?

Calculate the measures of center and measures of variation. Interpret your results in context of the selected topic.







Standard Deviation


Recap your ideas by summarizing the information presented.

importantThis assignment should be formatted using APA guidelines and a minimum of 2 pages in length.



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