Project Management – Tree Trimming Project Analysis Paper





Project Management – Tree Trimming Project Analysis Paper

Assignment Requirements:

Read the Tree Trimming Project case in Ch. 13 of Project Management.

Write a 350- to 700-word paper that thoroughly answers the following questions based on the case study:

  1. Is Wil over, on, or below schedule? Explain.
  2. Is Wil using earned value? Explain.
  3. How can Wil set up a schedule and cost variance?
  4. What method can Wil use to control any changes in scope to the project, such as change in shape of shearing from his customers?
  5. What alternatives are available to Wil to accelerate the completion of the tree trimming project?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Additional Requirements:

  • Complete the assignment using your own words with correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in APA format.  No plagiarism.
  • If you are not using your own words or if you are quoting any information or definitions, make sure to cite the information by using proper APA format citations and don’t forget to include the source of the information as a reference on the references page by using proper APA format.
  • Read and use the attached PDF and/or Word document(s) listed under the attachments section in order to understand the necessary information in order for you to be able to complete the assignment accurately and completely.
  • Read and use any other attachments listed under the attachments section in order for you to be able to complete the assignment accurately and completely, if applicable.  Do not forget to include any other attachments as references and to use citations from them, if applicable.



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