please read carefully and complete 8

Part A: In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, compare one of the Native American creation myths to Genesis.

Choose one of the following to compare to Genesis

“Native American Oral Literature,” from the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A.

Native American Trickster Tales

Read “Native American Trickster Tales,” from the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A.

Stories of the Beginning of the World: Iroquois Creation Story and The Navajo Creation Story, including Hajiinei

Read “Stories of the Beginning of the World,” “Iroquois Creation Story,” and “The Navajo Creation Story,” including the “Hajiinei,” from the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A.

Native American Trickster Tales: Winnebago, Sioux, and Navajo Tales
Read “Native American Trickster Tales–Winnebago, Sioux, and Navajo Tales,” from the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Volume A.

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