professor ryan ass 1 0

Assignment 1



Networks represent a very complex interconnection of devices. These devices are interconnected for the main purpose of sharing data. The need to access the data being shared can prove to be very critical depending on the organization that the network is serving. Consider a network deployed in a hospital; a surgeon could need to immediately review the results of a study to make a lifesaving decision. You need to ensure that your network is constantly available, and you need to make provisions to mitigate the risk of an outage.

Assignment Details

In 3–4 paragraphs, taking the above scenario into consideration, complete the following:

•Identify and discuss a network management protocol that can be used to monitor and manage your network.

•Discuss a situation in which you would implement this protocol.

•How do you think the deployment of the protocol that you have identified would help to mitigate risk?





You work as a consultant for a small consulting firm located in South Florida. Your company was recently contracted to implement a network for a local hospital in the Fort Lauderdale area. This network will be heavily leveraged by the emergency room when delivering care to their patients. Patient registration, X ray results, blood tests, etc. will all be delivered to the ER doctors leveraging the network. This is very crucial because it could be the difference between life and death. As a result, the network must experience a very high percentage of uptime.

As the senior network architect, you are required to design and implement a network that will deliver these services efficiently and effectively and implement measures to reduce the risk of outages. To do this, your network must be designed to leverage network management software for monitoring and alerts.

Using the online library, the Internet, and all course materials, research 2 network management application software.

In a report of 2 3 pages, complete the following:

•Discuss each software.

•Include the benefits and drawbacks of each software.

•Make a recommendation to your clients based on your research of which software you would recommend and why.

Create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing your report.

•It should be 12 slides including the title slide and reference slides.

•5 slides should be dedicated to each software that you are discussing.

•Highlight the features of interest about each software.


•Provide speaker notes for each slide.

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