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Students must follow APA Style guidelines and must include the following standardized elements:

·         Title page

·         Main body

·         In text citations for paraphrased and quoted material

·         References page

·         Minimum number of credible, academic sources

·         Running head

·         Page numbers

·         Double spaced on standard sized paper (8.5” x 11”)

·         1” margins

·         12 pt. Times New Roman

·         Indent each new paragraph (tab ½” or 5 spaces)

Each of these elements should comply with guidelines presented in the APA Style 6th Edition Manual.

In addition to the guidelines above, research papers must include an Abstract.


The need for achievement refers to many things, including succeeding at competition, seeking excellence in performance, meeting goals, being persistent, and overcoming difficulties. The need for power is concerned with making an impact on others, influencing others, changing people or events, and making a difference in life. The need for affiliation emphasizes the establishment and nurturing of intimate relationships with other people

If you were being inequitably paid in your job, which strategy do you think would be the most helpful to you in resolving the inequity? Write a paper outlining the relative importance you place on the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation regarding this situation. Note the job aspects that you think might satisfy these needs. Justify your responses with citations from the text and peer reviewed resources.

Your assignment should be two to three pages in length, written in APA style format. You must reference two or three quality, peer reviewed journal articles in your paper.

Reference all sources using APA format. For guidance using APA format, please refer to the table in the APA Style section of the syllabus.

Save your document with a file name that includes your name, course code, section number, and title.

  • (For example: JaneSmith MAN5245 12 Week 3.docx)

If you are not using Microsoft Word, save your document with the .rtf file extension (Rich Text Format).

Submit this document to the Week 3: Individual Work 1 basket in the Dropbox.



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