ratio analysis memo

 Resources: Virtual Organizations

 Select one of the Virtual Organizations as the basis for this assignment.

 Access the information contained in your selected organization’s balance sheet and income statement to calculate the following:

 Liquidity ratios

 Current ratio

 Acid test, or quick, ratio

 Receivables turnover

 Inventory turnover

Profitability ratios

Asset turnover

 Profit margin

Return on assets

 Return on common stockholders’ equity

Solvency ratios

 Debt to total assets

 Times interest earned

 Show your calculations for each ratio.

 Create a horizontal and vertical analysis for the balance sheet and the income statement.

 Write a 350 to 700 word memo to the CEO of your selected organization in which you discuss your findings from your ratio calculations and your horizontal and vertical analysis. In your memo, address the following questions:

 What do the liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios reveal about the financial position of the company?

 Which users may be interested in each type of ratio?

 What does the collected data reveal about the performance and position of the company?

 Format your memo consistent with APA guidelines.

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