university seminar assignment


 I want well written paragraphs. This simply means a topic sentence with five or six sentences that support that topic sentence. Watch out for sentence errors like comma splices and run on sentences. Please see the attestments and let me know if there’s anything I can explain for you better, in oreder to have the best work from you.


That is the assignments: 

  1. Write a well written paragraph describing your home town. 

    I’m from Saudi Arabia, Riyad. 


  2. Write a well written paragraph criticizing the university for requiring USEM (University Seminar). 


  3. Write a summary of chapter 6 in A 21st Century Ethical Toolbox.

    See the attestment for reading the Chapter first 


  4. Write a summary of chapter 6 in Privilege, Power & Difference. 

    See the attestment for reading the Chapter first 




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