scenario imagine you are manager social services department works law enforcement task force

Social Psychology Concept


Application to Society

Provide Example

Application to

Criminal Justice

Provide Example

Application to the Individual

Provide Example


Survey Research


Insert text here. Use complete sentences and limit each cell to a maximum of 200 words.

Insert text here. Use complete sentences and limit each cell to a maximum of 200 words.

Insert text here. Use complete sentences and limit each cell to a maximum of 200 words.

Insert text here. Use complete sentences and limit each cell to a maximum of 200 words.

Self Esteem





Self Handicapping





Hindsight Bias





External Attribution





Cognitive Dissonance





Media Persuasion








Concept Martix!!!


Matrix Terms Key to Pages from Textbook


Franzoi, S. L. (2009). PSY 110: Social psychology: 2009 custom edition (5th ed.). New York:

McGraw Hill Custom Publishing. 



Textbook Pages



Survey Research

43 44

Self Esteem

85 93

Self Handicapping

81 85

Hindsight Bias

112 113 and 116

External Attribution 


Cognitive Dissonance

162 168

Media Persuasion 

174 178

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